Tuesday, June 18, 2013

low poly model practice part 3

A small update today, went to dentist this morning came back all light headed, so I played some pokemon, and before i know it its pretty late...orz

So today i worked on the badge/necklace thingy and the Head, the head took forever.... i need to figure out a better way to make it...

Also today i realized that i Jumped the gun and went for a pretty detailed character...what i had to do is start off making a "basic" character model...i think right after this practice model is complete im gonna practice making a very basic model character....

Anyhoo, i dont know if i'll have time to work on this tomorrow...but if i do it'll be either the hand or the hoody...ALMOST DONE!!!

1 comment:

ciera said...

Woah looks cool! So much detail on the collar :D