Anyhow here are more sketchdumps! :D
more koumakan members... dunno their pretty fun to draw.
Lol this one was pretty random, i think i messed up her back, she looks hunchbacked lol.
This one i wanted to do a little more practice with full body poses... cuz i almost never do them.
yep, this ones NOT a touhou fanart.. its actually from Gosick (currently one of the better series of anime this quarter) also this was a good background practice for me, cuz like full body, i never do backgrounds LOL. I had fun working on this.
Well thats about it for this week, hopefully i can keep this up.
oh yeah i also ordered a bamboo pen tablet, so hopefully i can use that to create some illustrations that not a sketch dump XD. yeah, also got SAI onto my Mac using VMware Fusion 3, so i need to start learning how to use SAI and become a pro. lolz.
I love these~
Especially Gosick one!
Can't wait too see these finished. *u*
Hey hey.. i am here to reply to your comment!
Have you tried going to the SAI options for pen pressure?...
Make sure you have installed your bamboo pen's program onto your com...
and make sure the pressure setting in SAI is set to 0%...
if both are set and still not working properly... i think it means your usb has problems or the pen tip is pressed in the pen completely causing it to be at full pressure...
try pulling it out a bit..
if not all the above then perhaps you should let the apple store people handle it...:(
btw i love your gosick drawing!!
omg your goooooood
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