Prolly going to try and do weekly updates of what i've been sketching up... but sometimes with work it kinda screws up with the times i draw. But not too bad, most of the time i just feel lazy. XP
Anyhow here are more sketchdumps! :D


more koumakan members... dunno their pretty fun to draw.

Lol this one was pretty random, i think i messed up her back, she looks hunchbacked lol.

This one i wanted to do a little more practice with full body poses... cuz i almost never do them.

yep, this ones NOT a touhou fanart.. its actually from Gosick (currently one of the better series of anime this quarter) also this was a good background practice for me, cuz like full body, i never do backgrounds LOL. I had fun working on this.
Well thats about it for this week, hopefully i can keep this up.
oh yeah i also ordered a bamboo pen tablet, so hopefully i can use that to create some illustrations that not a sketch dump XD. yeah, also got SAI onto my Mac using VMware Fusion 3, so i need to start learning how to use SAI and become a pro. lolz.