Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I hope everyone's day was a great one, I know I had a somewhat eventful day. More than words let me share pictures.

Our family, we usually dont feast like this on Thanksgiving, we usually just eat sushi or something and finished, but this year we thought we'd give it a try. Although its not Turkey, we had Chicken. If we had turkey we would never finish all of it and it'll go to waste. Lol it was a really brown dinner.

Chicken!?!?!? XD home made fried/oven baked chicken tastes really goood. and the biscuit is also very great with butter and jam.

The only colorful food we had was the baked veggies..and it was still dark.

Then after the great meal, we all got together as a family and played some card games... we also played some poker and I won $20. XD yessss. After the card games we all watched Kungfu Panda lol. what a great movie to watch, we also had lots of desserts.

mmm that orange flavored chocolate, sooo goood.

I also made my own parfait, XD it was really sweet. layerings as follows..top to bottom.
Orange Choco
\Coffee Icecream/
| Peach Jello |
|Whipped Cream|
| Pumpkin Pie |
|Whipped Cream|
| Mizu Youkan |
\Whipped Cream/
XD yay for typing skillz.

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