Bishamonten has a role to protect the treasures that are kept safe in the pagoda, so as the protector and the bringer of fortune, i wanted to create him and display him in the P.U.B of our school.
so anyhow, here is the steps i took in making this hunk.
Wire frame: very important! make a wire frame before sculpting, it can really help you keep the sculpture from crashing.
Aluminum Wrap up : Depending on what Clay you use, you can wrap up the wire frame with Aluminum or not, with the clay i used, it really helped to wrap it, because it sticks on very well.
Aluminum Wrap up Finish.
Adding Clay : The clay should stick on fairly easily with the aluminum cover.
After 12 hours of work, 90% done.
Another angle of of 90% done
Close up
Bisha guarding my manga books
Anyhow in total, this project took me a good 15 hours. It was really fun. Next up is maybe an anime sculpture. XDD
Clay i used was the Le Beautouche Plasteline by Chavant.
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