Lets go on a Soul Journey
July 28th 2008, Piers and I went for our Soul Journey down to Downtown Seattle.
Our Journey began at my house 9:00am. We jumped onto the next bus that was heading down to the Pike Place Market. As usual the bus stank with people who had been smoking right before they came into the bus. We didn't really like riding the bus, but riding the bus seems more "journey" like then a car. The weather was very nice(for Seattle). We weren't sure of where to get off so we just got off at an area we thought was good enough. Recogniing the area I realized that we were pretty far from our actual destination point. We started walking and we got down to the pier, looking down into the green water, the only life form we saw were starfishes...I was hoping to see jellyfishes, but alas there weren't any. Walking along the sea side, feeling the salty breeze, we kept our pace.
When we finally arrived to Pike Place Market, there were people setting up their booths and mini stores. Pike Place Market was already filled with alot of people, from shoppers to tourists with really nice camera's. Piers and I started taking pictures with our camera's. It was fun waching alot of people ducking down to avoid getting into the picture. We roamed through the market place, going into stores and looking for interesting things. We found a nice comic book store which Piers really enjoyed. It was around noon when we finished looking through most or if not all the shops in the market. We got hungrey, so we ate Gyros, it wasnt the best gyros i ate.. it was ok.
Thats me eatin Gyro, and the guy drinkin the lemonade is Piers
Debating on what to do next, we decided on going down further to china town. Taking more pictures on the way, we just talked and basically chilled our trek down to china town. Upon arriving we were greeted by two bums who started posing for us(well at least one of them were posing) so we took pics of them. That was fun. Uwajimaya, the asian store of all asian store, also our faveorite store, we walk in and start taking pictures, then from no where a security guard comes and tells us that we couldnt take any pictures without permission. The security guard told us that we can get one if we go to the office, so we did. Walked up the stairs and talked to someone(manager maybe) and got ourselves some media passes, it looked so official. So with our passes around our neck, we started taking pictures.
After the adventure in Uwajimaya/Kinokuniya bookstore, we walked back down to the pier, were our journey continued. We saw a Ferry, and I just said "hey, wouldnt it be really cool if we can just ride on that ferry and go somewhere" indeed it was a great idea. We went over to the ticket booth to see how much a round trip would cost, it was fairly cheep so "heck! Lets do it." We took the Ferry that was heading over to Bremerton, which we didnt know took an hour to get to. Walking onto the deck was really great, the cool air, the salty air, brushing away on your face. We took pictures of Seattle from afar and took pictures of us on the ferry. After the long hour, we arrived to Bremerton, it was around 4pm. There was nothing to do, so we just jumped onto the next Ferry that was heading back to Seattle. So we stayed on Bremerton soil for less than 20 min.
"Why did we come here for..."
It was getting late, but summer time its always light even late at night, so we still had time, but we thought it was good. So walking back to the bus stop we waited for the next bus that was taking us home.
Overall the Spirit Journey was really fun. Was able to learn more about my city and area. Was able to get more reference pictures for future references. It was totally a blast!
1 comment:
Dude, that was the coolest thing we've ever done. Man such a goos time!!!
Sweet write up dude. Fond memories :)
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