anyhow yeah i'll just jot down whats been happening to my life so far that i feel like mentioning.
First off, during summer break I went on an Epic Journey to Japan. That was really an experience. I was able to buy TONS of touhou goods. XD
I got myself...
about 50 Touhou Doujin
Touhou Drinks
Figurines of Shikieiki and Komachi
Little badges
Sake cups (ochoko)
Touhou Mangas
Touhou lighters
Touhou coinbank
Touhou Fan
Touhou Illustration book.
but there are just WAY too much touhou merchandises that its impossible to collect them all... XDD i really want to go back and get some more Touhou goods.
I'll definetly upload pictures of My whole Japan trip and a report of what i did there, so in the mean time, just wait and come back later to see if i updated.
So Fall Quarter started, this quarter is gonna be so hard... I have Logics, Geography and Sculpture II. Logics going to be pretty hard, gonna need to use my brain alot for this... and Geography is basically just memorizing a bunch of places so its kinda hard and boring. Sculpture II is going to be the one class that will be enjoyable, cant wait to begin the wood sculpting project.
With drawing wise, all I've been doing was Touhou Fanarts, so nothing really changed too much. But recently i've been thinking of doing a manga, so i've been writing up stories for the manga and been doing some character designing, so i'll be able to upload some ideas and designs later on. Still cant think of a title for the manga idea, but i guess it'll come soon enough.
I dunno when i'll be updating this blog, but hopefully in the near future, and maybe something cool like a drawing, but for now just bear with my ranting. lol
k well see ya later
_, ,_∩