yeah finally complete! the igloo is done! took about 4 days, yeep its huge.
INSIDE! it can totally fit about 6 ppl, if we squeeze, we can prolly fit close to perhaps 8.
From left to right, Jonathan - my bro's buddy Kensei - my brother. Yasu - me Matthew - little kid with yellow sweater, little bro of Jonathan Girl in pink jacket - Our i forget her name..XD Yoshinori - my dad.
so yeah the Fall quarter is about to end, Finals week is next week. wohooo....actually its not that bad, cuz all i have is a final for math, and we get to use notes. So it'll be a pretty easy.
I finally finished my Animation project in Bob's class,
This Quarter i guess i would say was the worst quarter yet... English and Math class is not a really good combo to take in one quarter... especially b/c i really dislike writing research papers and solving bunch of math problems... that isnt really nesecary for my Art.
After this quarter i get about 3 weeks of break till next Quarter, so thats good. :D more drawings! and work on some Azumanga Parody Animation.
My next quarter schedule is ...
History of Jazz Sculpture 1 Animation Art History.
I kinda like this schedule, its gonna be great. Winter quarter is gonna be a blast, from the looks of this schedule i dont think i'll be getting overwhelmed by HW.